Tameside Free Congregational Church

6. Covenants, Rules & Declaration – Pastors


Plurality and Parity.

3.1 In accordance with the New Testament, the church is to be ruled by elders, or bishops  [otherwise known as pastors]. The ideal is both a plurality and an equality of elders.


3.2 It is the duty of the Elders/Pastors. to exercise diligent spiritual oversight in the Church. Each shall shepherd the flock and in addition one or more shall teach and/or  preach regularly in the church according to their gifts as recognised in terms of spiritual edification received by the church. However, such labouring in the Word and Doctrine does not exclude the occasional exercise of the same gift of other brethren who are not called to the oversight as elders, but whose gifts of preaching and teaching have been officially recognised by the church.

Qualifications and Appointment.

3:3 No elder shall be appointed who does not conform to the qualifications laid down in 1 Tim.3:1-7, and Titus 1:5-11.  Each must be inwardly called by the Holy Spirit to the work of shepherding, and his gifts in this work shall be recognised by the church and he shall be elected to office by vote of the church and set apart to the work by the other elders. Each shall give an assurance verbally and in writing that he is in wholehearted and unreserved agreement with the Confession of Faith, Covenants, Rules & Declaration.


3.4 All proposals for additions to the eldership shall be made by the elders and confirmed by the church.


3.5 Elders may, with consent of the church, support themselves by means of secular employment, but it shall be the duty of the church to provide for the support of  elders [pastors] whom the church may call to part or full-time service.


3.6 Every elder/pastor shall remain in office so as long as he is a member, unless his office be terminated, or he be moved, or resign as a elder/pastor. The termination of an elder’s/pastor’s appointment shall be initiated by the elders and sustained by the church.


3.7 A elder shall automatically cease to hold office if he falls into grievous sin or error, or fails to discharge his duties, or moves from his allegiance to the Church Covenants, Rules, Declaration, or Confession.

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