8. Covenants, Rules & Declaration – Church Meetings



5.1 Church meetings shall be called by the elders/pastors and shall only be open to members [i.e. as 1.3 & 1.3a] of the church.


5.2 No member shall communicate the transactions of the church to non-members, and those doing so will be deprived of the privilege of attending church meetings for six months.


5.3 Church meetings shall be held not less frequently than four months. Minutes of all church meetings shall be kept by the church secretary and read and approved or amended at the next meeting.


5.4 50% of the membership shall constitute a quorum.


5.5 Members shall be notified of all church meetings either by audible announcement at worship service for two Sundays prior the meeting or else by two weeks written notice.


5.6 Church meetings shall be presided over by one of the Elders/Pastors, or in the event of the pastorate being vacant, by the church secretary, or a brother elected to the chair by the church.

Annual General Business Meeting.

5.7 The Annual General Business Meeting shall be held in April, as soon as it is convenient.

Special Meetings.

5.8 Special church business meetings may be called at the request of one-third of the total membership.


5.9 All votes at church meetings relating to the election of officers, or the amendment of the Church Covenants, Rules, Declaration, or Confession, shall be by secret ballot. Voting relating to other matters shall be by open ballot unless a secret ballot is requested by at least fifty per cent of members present. Members must be at least eighteen years of age in order to vote at church meetings.

Alteration to the Constitution.

5.10 Unanimous agreement of the membership and pastorate/eldership is required to amend any part of the Church Covenants, Rules, Declaration, or Confession. Members shall be fully informed of any such proposed alteration by one month’s prior notification.

Voting Procedure.

5.11 All matters of importance shall be brought before the church by way of motion which shall be seconded and afterwards put to the vote. The chairman shall have a casting vote. A majority vote of members present shall be required to carry any vote [excepting 5.10]. All decisions are to be graciously accepted by all members as the will of the church and not to be raised again for at least four months. No vote shall be allowed unless the person be present.


5.12 All matters of importance shall be submitted to the elders/pastors at least one week prior to the meeting.


5.13 Every church meeting shall begin and end with prayer.


5.14 A statement of the finances of the church shall be presented to the church not less frequently than four months. The accounts shall be audited and a yearly statement presented in writing to the members at the A.G.M.

Bank Account.

5.15 All money received by way of donation shall be handled by the church treasurer, and paid into the church’s account.


5.16 The maintenance of all church property shall be the responsibility of the elders/deacons, but all major decisions shall be put to the vote of the church.

Disposal of Assets.

5.17 In the event of the church being dissolved, all assets shall be donated to The Trinitarian Bible Society for the aid of its work of disseminating the Holy Scriptures as long as it remains faithful to the Textus Receptus. If that faithfulness ceases then the assets shall be donated to a non-denominational mission society which is faithful to the Covenant of grace.

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